
3 Best Cerberus Alternative Android

There are so many questions related to the Cerberus alternative Android indeed. Yes, Cerberus is known as a service for anti theft which is not free after a week of trial. Sure, it means you have to pay cost to get it. However, it is actually so worthy with so many benefits to get. Cerberus can handle and overcome some problems like locking the device, showing the remaining battery, displaying massage on the screen, taking pictures, locating and tracking your device, recording audio, finding more information regarding the network of cell phone and Wi-Fi, and still some others. You can see that without Cerberus, your phone may be nothing. But actually, this program is not the only you can use. Here are some of the alternatives. 
Cerberus Alternative Android

Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager is one of the alternatives you can do to manage your Android system more. Although the functions are actually not exactly the same with Cerberus, it is really beneficial as well. It is very good in tracking your misplaced or lost phone. More than that, it is helpful to keep the device along with all the data secure. Besides, it still has some other functions like helping you to reset the screen locked by PIN and even delete all the data inside if you think you don’t need it anymore. 


Lookout Mobile Security

Another program for Cerberus Alternative Android is the Lookout Mobile Security. This way to secure and protect your phone is quite simple. It makes people tend to choose it anyway. Meanwhile, the protection includes some matters like losing data, theft, and also securing the programs from viruses, malware, and even hacker. 


Prey is also recommended as an alternative for your Cerberus system. Why? It is because this program is really lightweight so that it will not disturb the work of your device. Sure, it is very beneficial even not only for Smartphone. It is able to track and find back your laptop and any other types of device. Besides, it works well on some programs including Windows, Linux, Android, and Mac OsX. Prey itself always tries to develop its program and all the features. That’s why; it is possible for you to easily upgrade yours if you already have it. More than that, it also enables you to access some additional features available. Certainly, with such additional features, you can find the Prey work much better as the Cerberus alternative Android.

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